Terms and conditions

By accessing the website located at the address https://reservacuricancha.com (hereinafter, Reserva Curi Cancha Monteverde), which is owned by Aranea Sociedad Anónima, (hereinafter Reserva Curi Cancha Monteverde), domiciled in Monteverde, Costa Rica and/or any of the pages that can be found through the site, the user assumes the commitment to follow and comply with the terms and conditions that will be indicated below.
By accepting the terms and conditions, the privacy policy is accepted, which is an integral part of these.
It is very important for Reserva Curi Cancha to protect the information of our clients and visitors. This document contains our general policy on the processing of information and personal data, and its purpose is to communicate and inform what information we collect and for what purposes, how we use it, when we share it and how we protect it, as well as the rights that assist the owners of the information and the procedures to exercise them.
The owners of the personal data accept the processing of their personal data in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy and authorize us to comply with the terms of this policy when they provide the data through different means or when they browse web pages. This document is an integral part of the Terms and Conditions of https://reservacuricancha.com

By accepting the General Terms and Conditions at the time of registration, the policies contained herein are also accepted.
Terms and conditions Reserva Curi Cancha Monteverde.
All clients must reserve in advance to verify availability.
All reservations must be paid, the client must present proof of payment to receive the service.
Last minute reservations will be accepted only if there is availability and must pay for the service before the time of service, payment must be credited immediately.
Reserva Curi Cancha Monteverde follows all protocols established by the Ministry of Health for proper hygiene and cleaning. Clients with complaints or symptoms of this, or with a fever will not be able to take the tour for everyone's safety.
Activities are offered in English, French and Spanish. Shared activities have pre-established schedules.
All reservations must indicate: date, client name, passport / ID, language, number of people, age, nationality.
The payment methods for the services offered by Reserva Curi Cancha Monteverde are by credit or debit card; payment must be made for 100% of the total established amount, plus taxes.
After receiving the proof of payment, Reserva Curi Cancha Monteverde will provide the client with the itinerary of activities and instructions to follow. According to the paid package.
- Modification, only notified more than 5 days before the service = no charge for modification.
- Notice of date modification less than 5 days before departure will be penalized.
- Cancellation notice more than 5 days before the service = no cancellation charge.
- Cancellation notice outside of 5 days of the service including face-to-face reservations (services reserved outside of 5 days) = ​​100% cancellation charge.
No show = 100% cancellation charge.
- 15 minutes maximum waiting time to start the tour.
- In case of legal disputes between both parties (travelers / Reserva Curi Cancha Monteverde) both agree to follow the legal jurisdiction alignment of the Republic of Costa Rica.
All money refunds are made to the same card with which the purchase is made.

The personal data we collect includes, among others, the following:
a) First and last name
b) Passport number, ID number, whether Costa Rican citizen or residence card
c) Email
d) Date of birth
f) Gender
g) Contact telephone number
h) Information necessary to facilitate the trip or other services, including the name of the user of the electronic platform, contacts in case of accident or any other contingency.
i) Information required by representatives of the sales and/or customer relations areas in order to respond to requests or complaints.
The provision of our services is not conditioned on the delivery of this sensitive information. According to law 8968 "LAW FOR THE PROTECTION OF PERSONS AGAINST THE PROCESSING OF THEIR PERSONAL DATA", regarding the section included in said law that deals with SENSITIVE DATA.
All the databases of Reserva Curi CMonteverde wide are stored on a server.
only for storage, security and control purposes. Reserva Curi Cancha Monteverde only uses customer information to transmit it to the providers of the services contracted by the USER and not to transfer or sell it to third parties not related to these services.
The information provided was kept for the maximum term necessary to allow us to comply with the legal and / or contractual obligations under our charge, especially in accounting, contractual, fiscal and tax matters or to meet the provisions applicable to the administrative, accounting, fiscal, historical and legal aspects of the information.
We presume the veracity of the information provided and do not verify, nor do we assume the obligation to verify the veracity, validity, sufficiency and authenticity of the data provided to us. Therefore, we do not assume liability for damages and/or losses of any kind that may arise from the lack of veracity, validity, sufficiency or authenticity of the information, including damages and losses that may be due to homonymy or identity theft. If you provide us with personal information about a person other than yourself, such as your spouse or a co-worker, we understand that you have that person's authorization to provide us with their data.
By registering and/or browsing our website, our clients, USERS and/or visitors to the page expressly state that they are aware of these policies and accept them, and give their consent for their information to be processed.
If you provide us with personal data, it is used to use this information for the purposes indicated in accordance with the provisions of this Privacy Policy, and we will not proceed to transfer or disclose it outside of our databases unless:
a) You authorize us to do so
b) It is necessary to allow our contractors, suppliers or agents to provide the services we have entrusted to them
c) We or third parties use it to provide you with our products or services
d) It is provided to entities that provide marketing services on our behalf or to other entities with which we have joint marketing agreements
e) Is related to a merger, consolidation, acquisition, divestiture or other restructuring process
f) As necessary or permitted by law or for the purposes set forth in this privacy policy.
By accepting this Privacy Policy, the owners of the data collected authorize us to process them, in whole or in part, including the collection, storage, recording, use, circulation, processing, deletion, transmission and/or transfer to third parties (service providers) of the data provided. This is done for the execution of activities related to the services and products purchased, such as processing, confirming, fulfilling and providing the services and/or products purchased, both directly and with the participation of third-party product or service providers. Likewise, the data may be used to promote and advertise our activities, products and services, carry out transactions, and make reports to national administrative control and surveillance authorities, police authorities or judicial authorities, banking entities and/or insurance companies.

The information will be used for internal administrative and/or commercial purposes, such as market research, audits, accounting reports, statistical analysis, making reservations, modifications, cancellations and itinerary changes, handling queries, complaints and claims, billing for airline tickets and other products and services, payment of compensation and indemnities, accounting records, correspondence, processing and verification of credit cards, debit cards and other payment instruments, fraud identification, and prevention of money laundering and other criminal activities.

In our activity, we are required to provide certain traveler data to the authorities that regulate public land transportation, before the departure of buses or upon arrival at each destination city. This information generally includes the identity data of passengers and the data contained in their respective travel documents (national ID, residence card, or passport), or in relation to the transported goods.

In addition, by accepting this privacy policy, travelers, clients and users authorize us to:

Use the information received for marketing purposes of our products and services, as well asas well as the products and services of third parties with which we have a business relationship.
Provide personal data to the control and surveillance authorities, police or judicial, by virtue of a legal or regulatory requirement, and / or use or disclose this information in defense of our rights and assets in relation to the contracted products and / or services.
Allow access to information and personal data to auditors or third parties contracted to carry out internal or external audit processes.
Consult and update personal data at any time, in order to keep said information up to date.
Contract with third parties the storage and / or processing of information and personal data for the correct execution of the contracts entered into with us, under the security and confidentiality standards to which we are obliged.
Security and Confidentiality

The sending and remission of data that the user makes through https://reservacuricancha.com/, or the information that Reserva Curi Cancha Monteverde collects and process, are protected by electronic security techniques. Likewise, the data stored in our databases are protected by security systems that prevent access by unauthorized third parties. We implement security practices recognized in the industry, including encryption, use of secure protocols, securing technological components, restricting access to information only to authorized personnel, information backup, and secure software development practices.

We have established information security policies, procedures, and standards whose objective is to protect and preserve the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of information, regardless of the medium or format where it is found, its temporary or permanent location, or the way in which it is transmitted.

Modifications and Validity of the Privacy Policy

We may modify the terms and conditions of these privacy and confidentiality policies and/or email sending practices at any time. If any material changes are made to our privacy policies, they will be reported on the website and an updated version of them will be published. The databases will be valid indefinitely, in accordance with the purposes and uses of the information.